Pet Vaccinations


Vaccinations are the cornerstone of preventative medicine in veterinary medicine. Our pet vaccinations in Bensonhurst have become increasingly safe and effective over the past years and are an effective way to help prevent such diseases as Rabies, Distemper Virus, Parvo Virus, Leptospirosis and Bordetella (Kennel Cough). Vaccines are also available for Lyme Disease based on the individual risk of your pet. In many cases, these diseases can be transmitted to you and your family, making protection even more critical. To ensure your pet’s health, a comprehensive preventive care exam is required prior to vaccination.

Everything You Need to Know About Routine Vaccinations for Your Pet

Vaccinations are an important part of routine veterinary care to help protect pets from serious sickness and disease. From the time dogs and cats are puppies and kittens, they generally require a series of shots at each of their wellness visits. These shots are essential for keeping your furry friends healthy and well, which can help them thrive throughout their lives. It’s natural to have questions about why your pet needs vaccines, the risks they may cause, and why it’s so important to stay up to date on your pet’s vaccines. We hope the following information is helpful to you.

Common Questions About Vaccinations for Pets

Pet owners often have questions about their pets’ vaccinations. Vaccinations are an important part of routine wellness-care visits for pets and with good reason. Here are some answers to questions our staff frequently hears.

Why Does My Pet Need Routine Vaccinations?

Like people, pets are vulnerable to certain viruses and other germs they can catch from other animals or may encounter just from going outside. Many of these diseases can make pets very sick. Some, such as rabies, can be deadly – and can even be passed to people if an infected animal bites someone. The good news is, we have pet vaccinations in Bensonhurst that can protect your pet from these diseases.

Which Vaccines Does My Pet Need?

The exact regimen of vaccines a pet should get varies, depending on the type of pet you have, whether your pet goes outdoors, what diseases are common in your area, and other factors. There are “core vaccines” that most cats and dogs should get.

Why Does My Pet Need to Get Booster Shots of Some Vaccines?

Vaccines are given in a series, to optimize how the immune system naturally builds its defenses. Kittens and puppies may get a series of shots spread out over a number of weeks. Once initial vaccinations are complete, your pet may need some shots, such as the rabies vaccine, yearly. Booster shots are important because immunity can wane over time. Getting vaccine boosters during the annual checkup can help keep your fur baby’s immune system robust so that they can lead a healthy and happy life.

Do Pets Who Stay Indoors All the Time Need the Same Vaccines as Pets Who Go Outdoors?

There are some vaccinations that all pets should get, regardless of whether they stay indoors or outdoors. Rabies is one example. While an animal that stays indoors is less likely to come in contact with the rabies virus, it only takes on exposure for a beloved pet to contract this horrible virus that is almost always deadly and can easily transmit to humans. So routine rabies vaccination is advised for all pets. There are some viruses, however, that indoor pets are much less likely to encounter than pets who go outside.

Are Vaccinations Harmful to My Pet?

Many people feel concerned there may be risks to vaccinations. While no medication is completely without risk, the diseases these vaccines protect against are far more dangerous and often can be fatal. The benefits of vaccinating your pet overwhelmingly outweigh any risks. Our staff is happy to answer any questions or address concerns you may have about our pet vaccinations in Bensonhurst.

Will My Pet Have Side Effects to Their Vaccines?

Similar to vaccines for humans, pet vaccinations sometimes can cause side effects. Muscle soreness, lethargy, and mild fever aren’t uncommon. Occasionally, a pet may develop a firm lump near the vaccine site. These side effects are normal and generally not serious.

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